1st NFT fund raising auction in the Philippines that promotes the artistry of both Filipino Musicians and marginalized creatives in our community. The proceeds will go to the Laya art Blockchain art campaign and livelihood program.
Laya Digital Curators is a social enterprise that provides platforms for creatives in the marginalized sectors of our community to showcase their artistry through the equalizing tool of NFT and blockchain technology.
Our mission is to drive Innovation in the art and music scene through the impact formula programs we offer.
Our Value Proposition
To provide a sense of freedom to express our artist own creativity through high arts and find sustainability through the skills they learned and become NFT artist.
Laya Digital Blockchain and art mentorship program
Its a 3 months diploma art course that aims to provide an end to end training on digital arts NFT learning, apprentice experience that would enable to become sustainable through art and technology for PDL's ( Person deprived of liberty ) creatives and other marginalized sectors of our community. or link to frame four
Apprenticeship programs
Philtag partnership
A 3-months diploma tattoo apprentice program that aims to provide a sustainability (Persons deprived of liberty ) creatives and other marginalized sectors of our community after they are released
Laya Collections
View store
A collection of rarities and oddities with attached perks and utilities
Q1 2023
An art exhibit l by the "Ladies who Launch" which t aims to find a way to bring back the glory days of the shoe industry in Marikina , helping one community at a time, while simultaneously doing our community kitchens and other initiatives. To learn more please visit thier Page( Project Hulmahan:
1st NFT fund raising auction in the Philippines that promotes the artistry of both Filipino Musicians and marginalized creatives in our community The proceeds will go to the Laya art Blockchain art campaign and livelihood program.
NFT Books
Q1 2024
"Tattoo and Gangs"
Stories of ink and gangs, get a chance to own a piece of internet Through this NFT book that saves and transforms the live of Laya Artists
Laya Digital Blockchain and art mentorship program
Art Mentorship Program
It’s an art bootcamp for our PDL’s to identify your competitive edge both in the digital and traditional art
Learn about this fast paced technology and how our students can leverage this tool to become sustainable with your art link to gallery
Laya Mindfulness Program
Aims to help artists find fulfilment in their existence though a process called:
Inner Dance: It's is a modality , perhaps a space where participants enter into a non-judgemental space where they could allow themselves to experience what they are naturally experiencing within. It is a group space where we use dialogue(pagguusapan(talk therapy). Innerdance is also a community building process where separation becomes cooperation.
Innerdance has also been used to diffuse conflicts and has been deeply proven to reduce conflicts in tensed areas. Through mindful dialogues and deep listening people participating in the innerdance spaces can go through conflict resolution with ease and minimal dissonance, as the tacilitators are deeply aware of what is happening within the space and group dynamic. Innerdance also dresses PDL's internal struggles that most root causes of external conflicts stems from Internal struggles such as anxiety, stress, tensions and depressions can be looked at within the innerdance spaces.
Meet The Laya Team
With a variety of experiences ranging from banking and finance to career development and art mentorship, her skill lies in helping people achieve meaningful work experiences, increase their confidence and self-worth.
An entrepreneur and training & employment support officer, she is an advocate for PWD empowerment and strives to bring accessibility and inclusion to the workplace.